Friday, July 19, 2024

Weekly Review 19 July 2024

Some interesting links that I Tweeted about in the last week (I also post these on MastodonThreadsNewsmast, and Bluesky): 

  1. It's not the sentient or high-end AI that's really affecting the world, it's the mundane smart assistants:
  2. How can we assess the impact AI has on the profitability or otherwise of an organisation?
  3. ChatGPT is not conscious, no matter what a big chunk of its users think:
  4. This bill won't stop people using AI generated fakes, or using others' work without permission, but it might help to build trust for those who do not do these things:
  5. Potential roles for AI in the hospitality industry:
  6. Vision, sound, text, these aren't different things to an AI like they are to people. To an AI, they're all just numbers with no understanding of what the numbers represent:
  7. It appears that the court is treating AI as a tool used to create inventions, rather than an inventor in itself:
  8. More on the safety concerns around how OpenAI is developing general AI:
  9. This is worrying. If Microsoft can create an AI speech generator that is so realistic people can't tell it's AI, other, less principled, people could also:
  10. What's next? Using AI to translate the gurgles babies make? Wasn't there a Simpson's episode about that?
  11. How many layers of AI do we need to monitor AI?
  12. Don't replace customer service people with AI, customers really don't like it:
  13. Generative AI helps less creative people be more creative, but is less helpful for naturally creative individuals. In other words, it's a tool to help creativity, rather than a creative thing itself:
  14. More on how generative AI can help less creative people:
  15. The EU's AI act is coming into effect:
  16. Using AI to improve antenatal care in developing countries:
  17. Is anyone surprised that a big company is skimping on safety testing in the rush to get a product to market? AI companies are not immune to this:
  18. More on the proposed law to protect creators from having their work used as AI training data without their consent or compensation:

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