Friday, December 8, 2023

Weekly Review 8 December 2023

Some interesting links that I Tweeted about in the last week (I also post these on MastodonThreadsNewsmast and Post): 

  1. More cuts in New Zealand universities, and this new right-wing Frankenstein's Monster of a government isn't going to do a damn thing to help: 
  2. A better way of developing AI? Fighting against the biases and ethical issues in standard data sets: 
  3. Seven different points of view on how ChatGPT and generative AI has impacted science and science education:
  4. AI written articles attributed to authors with AI generated head shots. When will they come up with an AI editor that fixes the egregious errors in the generated articles? 
  5. I would not trust AI with such life-and-death decisions as generating target lists: 
  6. An AI model claims that volcanic eruptions - the formation of the Deccan Traps - was enough to doom the dinosaurs, with the Chicxulub meteorite not being necessary: 
  7. One of the better explanations of local optima I've come across, and a problem that everyone who works with AI needs to be wary of:
  8. The Turing test is not very useful for determining whether an artificial intelligence is actually intelligent. Dolphins and elephants are undeniably intelligent, and self-aware, but they would all fail the Turing test:
  9. On how Deep Learning and other AI can be used to segment and recognise cells in microscope images: 
  10. Artificial intelligence cannot replace the real world:
  11. As a certain young law student is fond of telling me, international law is basically a bunch of pinky promises. The regulations around AI are just the same: 
  12. Focused, single-purpose AI models are still relevant: 
  13. I'm quite certain that there will be executives in Hollywood who think that using AI to do everything with movies is a great way to go:
  14. The first (local) law written by ChatGPT has been passed. What's the quote from Frank Herbert about men with machines making other men slaves?
  15. Five major issues with, and proposed fixes for, generative AI: 
  16. I know pika are animals, but when I read about this I think of the disorder pica, not an AI video production system: 
  17. More research on the energy usage, and carbon footprint, of generative AI models: 
  18. I teach A* to my first year algorithms students, and Q-learning to the second years. I an skeptical that combining them is going to produce meaningful breakthroughs in AI: 
  19. How can we tell that an artificial intelligence is self-aware? We think it thinks, therefore it probably is?
  20. Modelling near-ground air temperature from ground temperate, as measured by satellite infrared cameras: 
  21. A guide to choosing a large language model AI: 
  22. AI text summarisation tools. No, I don't use these to compose my posts: 
  23. How AI will impact supply chains and procurement management: 
  24. Using an AI to posit new inorganic molecules, and a robot to make them:
  25. An attack technique to get ChatGPT to expose its training data: 
  26. I don't think it's remote work that has led to fewer transformational papers, so much as the issues with the peer-review process:
  27. Some limits and the way forward for generative AI: 
  28. Some ways in which artificial intelligence will impact scientific research: 

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