Friday, August 23, 2024

Weekly Review 23 August 2024

Some interesting links that I Tweeted about in the last week (I also post these on MastodonThreadsNewsmast, and Bluesky): 

  1. Large-scale AI needs large-scale nuclear power, but there are regulatory issues with getting the electricity from the power plants to the data centres: 
  2. Is the collective noun of AI driven taxis a "Gaggle" or a "Honk"? 
  3. As generative AI gets better and better, how long before these AI-generated stories become impossible to detect? 
  4. Orwell got it wrong, it's not Big Brother who's watching you, it's AI: 
  5. Using AI to decode the signals from a brain implant, to allow people to communicate again: 
  6. Blaming remote work for Google falling behind in AI is like blaming a soldier's boots for losing a battle - ultimately, responsibility lies with the leaders:
  7. AI is like any other product, if it doesn't function, or isn't useful, then it's pointless: 
  8. This technique might slightly reduce AI hallucinations, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem, which is an AI has no concept of what the words it spits out actually represent: 
  9. You can't just add more AI to try to correct an AI that is broken because of bad data: 
  10. How to get started in a position training AI: 
  11. This newspaper doesn't even try to hide the fact its articles are generated by AI: 
  12. A new licensing deal means that actors will get a say in what their AI clones say and do: 
  13. I wonder how many of these AI generated job applications are being filtered by AI? 
  14. How AI can automate the process of developing a brain connectome: 
  15. Replacing writers with AI without telling the editors - the long, slow decline towards AI generated mediocrity continues: 
  16. More AI-based interference in elections, this time by Iran: 
  17. Achieving general AI is not a matter to throwing more and more processing power at the problem, there needs to be a fundamental shift in the model used: 
  18. When an AI can change the parameters of its own execution, we need strong guardrails: 
  19. The AI bubble seems to be following the same trajectory as the Internet bubble of the late 90s. I expect what will happen is a lot of AI companies will go under, and the ones that provide useful services will survive: 
  20. AI technology will get to the point that it is useful in high school level teaching, but we're not there yet: 
  21. I don't think it's a good idea for companies to be driving changes to laws, especially laws that are supposed to protect the public from the problems that AI can cause: 
  22. This approach of stealing all the data they can get and training their AI on it has to stop, it's legally questionable and does not produce good AI: 
  23. This is the kind of AI that is likely to survive the AI bubble bursting - it's fairly simple, straightforward, and useful: 

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