Friday, September 6, 2024

Weekly Review 6 September 2024

Some interesting links that I Tweeted about in the last week (I also post these on MastodonThreadsNewsmast, and Bluesky): 

  1. There are a lot of assumptions behind large language model AI, and these assumptions might not be valid:
  2. Violating authors' copyrights on academic publications is a nonsense objection, because authors don't get paid for their contributions. All the money goes to the publishers:
  3. AI needs a lot of data to train on. Is OpenAI's deal with publishers to get more data, or protect against lawsuits?
  4. Is it just me, or does Auckland University's VC have a bit of a credibility problem?
  5. I think it would be better to pay teachers better than spend money on dodgy AI tools:
  6. Wall Street is really bad at picking long-term winners, especially in AI:
  7. More movement on the California AI regulation laws. Predictably, tech companies are not happy:
  8. Combining the polytechs was a stupid idea, and it's going to take years to repair the damage it caused. Unfortunately, I don't think the current government has the ability or inclination to do it:
  9. One way to reduce the climate impact of AI is to make the hardware more energy efficient:
  10. The previous government kept the border closed for too long, and kept international students out for too long. Universities are suffering because of this:
  11. Why generative AI can't spell. Or count:
  12. Just because current AI can butcher language doesn't mean we're any closer to artificial general intelligence. A parrot can ask if you want a cup of tea, but still doesn't know to put the kettle on:
  13. AI can be used to cheat on multiple choice tests, but they're really bad at it:
  14. The conditions and personality traits that lead to workaholism seem to be rather common in academia:
  15. The problem with AI travel planning is that AI have no idea what people like, what makes a nice hotel, or a nice restaurant:
  16. Using AI to detect and determine illnesses from the sounds people make:
  17. While AI companies need to respect robots.txt, there also needs to be some standardisation as to how website owners specify what content they don't want crawled for AI training:
  18. The skills you need to have to survive in IT in the age of AI:
  19. Finally there's a definition of open source AI. AI companies don't like it:
  20. Using AI to detect and predict the progression of dementia from brain scans:
  21. Watermarking of AI generated content is a great idea, but trolls won't use it. Neither will those with more nefarious motivations:
  22. I still don't think these wearable AI devices are going to be successful as long as they are trying to do something that a smartphone can do much cheaper:
  23. How to avoid five common errors when processing data:
  24. AI make prosthetic limbs move more naturally and precisely:

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